Welcome to Care Link Services!
A Mental Health & Disability Support Service Focusing to Help YOU Achieve YOUR Goals!
About Us
Care Link Services is a Mental Health and Disability home care service provider.
When you choose US, YOUR needs and goals become our priority.
Mission Statement
Our focus is to prioritise your mental health and disability needs and requirements by providing the best care support services.
“Linking Our people to the Care they deserve”
Our Services
At Care link services we pride ourselves on providing high quality services and supports in the following areas:
(a) Support Coordination
(b) Daily Personal Activities
(c) Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements
(d) Innovative Community Participation
(e) Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
(f) Household Tasks
(g) Participation in Community, Social and Civic Activities
Employment related supports
(h) Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education
The Prices for these services are set out in the NDIS Price Guide.
- To help link you with the right services, we will ask you questions. Some of those questions are in the Client Intake Form we will provide to you.
- If we think we can help you, we will arrange a time to meet with you. (We may discuss the terms of a Services Agreement at the meeting.)
- After the meeting, Care link services will check your information you have told us to make sure we can help you.
- If we can help, we will complete and sign a Service Agreement.
- If you are happy with the terms of the Service Agreement, we will ask you to sign the Service Agreement and return it to us.
- Once we both sign it, an agreement between us is formed.
Once you have signed the service agreement, we will undertake an assessment with you to understand your needs, strengths and goals.
- You will be fully involved in the assessment and may involve an advocate, your family and any people you want in the process.
- After that, we will develop a support plan.
- You will be asked to sign your plan to show that you agree with it.
- Your plan will be reviewed regularly.
You have the right to:
(a) respect for your human worth and dignity.
(b) freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making.
(c) realise your potential for physical, social, emotional and intellectual development.
(d) full participation in society equal to other people, according to your individual and cultural needs and preferences.
(e) autonomy including your right to intimacy and sexual expression.
(f) information and support to understand and exercise your legal and human rights.
(g) privacy of your personal information and sensitive information.
(h) raise concerns and be supported to formalise complaints.
We will talk to you (and your family, carers and where appropriate) to promote and ensure you make all decisions in relation to your services and supports.
We provide you with enough time to make decisions that affect your life.
We help you to make good choices, but the choices themselves are yours to make.
If we are permitted to provide you with support coordination as well as other supports, a conflict of interest may arise.
You will always be informed of other alternative providers available to provide necessary support, enabling you to exercise choice and control in the supports you receive including from Care link services.
Where we conduct support coordination services, to ensure that any conflict is managed, we will endeavour to always provide 3 quotes (if possible) from other services, in addition to our own.
It is then your decision if you would like to choose Care link services’ and supports or go with another provider.
Your decision to choose an alternative provider will not affect any services or supports provided by Care link services at all!
We will always try to match the right staff member to meet your needs and goals.
We consider your personality, language, culture and skill requirements.
At Care link services we employ qualified and experienced staff.
All of our staff are trained in the NDIS Worker Orientation Module and in COVID-19 Infection Control.
You can leave our services at any time and in accordance with the terms of our Services Agreement. We will support you to find other services if you require assistance.
- We respect your rights to privacy.
- We use your information in line with privacy laws.
- Your personal information allows us to perform our work.
- We may at times disclose personal information where it is necessary to provide services or required by law.
- Care link services protect your personal information.
- You have the right to request access to the personal information that Care link services holds about you.
- You can update or change it as required. Just let us know!
(a) If you feel comfortable, you are encouraged to raise any feedback, concerns or complaints with us first, as this is often the best way to have your issue resolved quickly.
- (b) You can make a complaint:
- in person to the principal or a staff member;
- calling us on 0420 590 609; or
- emailing us via our online contact form below
(c) You can make a complaint to the NDIS Commission by:
- Phoning: 1800 035 544 (free call from landlines) or TTY 133 677. Interpreters can be arranged.
- Visiting https://www.ndiscommission.gov.au/about/complaints and completing a complaint contact form.
The NDIS Commission can take complaints about:
- services or supports that were not provided in a safe and respectful way.
- services and supports that were not delivered to an appropriate standard.
We will resolve all complaints promptly in accordance with our Feedback and Complaints Management Policy.
If you observe or are the subject of an Incident that does or could cause permanent or temporary detriment to your or another person, you must report the Incident to us.
You will be protected against any adverse actions as a result of reporting or alleging that an Incident has occurred. There will be no negative consequences for reporting incidents.
Incidents which occur are managed in accordance with our Incident Management and Reporting Policy.
We also follow strict procedures in relation to reporting Reportable Incidents to the NDIS Commission and other external bodies (as applicable).
Care Link Services Pty Ltd
ABN: 92 651 428 536
Office: 83 Barton Street, Monterey NSW 2217
If you have any questions about our products or services, just ask!
You can chat to us at any time by:
Calling us on: 1300 292 011
Email us via the contact form